“What is BUCKETFILLING?” you ask. Well, it’s a quality that sets Koala House apart from many other schools; it makes us different, a very special place for your children!

First, let me explain what is meant by

Each of us carries around apsychological bucket, a place where we keep our feelings about ourselves.

When something good happens to us, or somebody does or says something nice to us, our psychological bucket is filled, we feel good about ourselves. What’s really interesting is that whenever you do or say something nice to others, your bucket is filled too!


We have made Koala House such a school by teaching children about their “bucket”, by making sure that they know how important it is to be positive and accepting toward others, to treat them well, to make them feel good about themselves, to fill their bucket. The children are also made aware of how filling other people’s buckets, fills their own bucket too!

On the other hand, treating others badly empties their bucket, makes them feel sad, and bad about themselves. Importantly, Koala House children realize that emptying other people’s buckets also empties their own bucket, it does not fill theirs. They learn that what bullies believe about emptying other people’s buckets to fill their own is totally false, so, there’s nothing to be gained by treating others badly.

 In a genuine BUCKETFILLING SCHOOL you find yourself surrounded by happy, smiling children who enjoy their school days and want to learn. It is a great place for children and adults alike!

So, why not become a BUCKETFILLERtoday, and every day.

I can promise you that it has the potential to add even more richness to your family life. You will enjoy a house filled with smiles, a home full of happy people, just as Koala House is a school filled with happy little learners!

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Dr Trevor

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