I Spy With My Little Eye…Something Good Happening Out On The Playground


          Whenever I am in the classroom when a teacher announces it’s time to go out to the playground, the children most always get excited. Some will clap their hands together, others will smile, and still others will cheer. The playground is a pretty place to be with lots of fun activities, too. Children look forward to going out each day to feel the wind and sun.


           I like to spend time out on the playground, too,  either watching the children play or playing with them in their activities. Since coming back to Koala House,  I have noticed how our teachers try their best to make recess an enjoyable time for everyone. I have been so pleased with the variety of activities the children can choose from and to see the teachers make the most of recess.


         Here are just of a few of the kinds of activities I have observed our children enjoying out on the playground over the past few months:

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Playing with balls                                                                               Painting with water                                                                             Taekwondo class

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The see saw                                                                    Group games                                                                                                Group activities

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Observing and talking about animals                                           Song and Chants                                             Fun with the Teachers


Darren Czeczuga.

Educational Consultant


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