Koala House incorporates ideas from a variety of systems of early childhood education, such as HighScope, Reggio Emilia and Montessori in order to create a good learning environment for your child. Here at school your child is encouraged to express him/herself through all of his/her modes of expression, including language, art, music, movement and play.
In addition to the above, each of our classes is always involved in an in-depth study of a topic in order to help your child to become aware of him/herself and the world around him/her. Decisions about themes are based both on the childrens as well as the teacher’s interests, ideas and preferences, along with curriculum content outlined in the Vietnamese Early Childhood Curriculum. In developing a theme teachers develop activities that fit into various categories, such as:
- Math
- Science
- Art
- Geography
- History
- Music
- Language (spoken, written, vocabulary)
- Cooking
- Physical education
- Field trips
- Guest speakers