- Office Communications:
The office regularly sends home notes and newsletters in order to keep you informed of current happenings and changes at Koala House.
- Communication Books:
We are committed to working in a collaborative partnership with you. Each week we share our observations of your child’s development and learning in a “Communication Book”. This book is meant to be a two-way communication book, so your comments, questions, and feedback are welcome. When your child leaves Koala House it becomes a wonderful record of your child’s growth while with us.
- Progress Reports:
Observing your child as s/he plays and learns is a crucial process that facilitates the ongoing improvement of learning and teaching. This continuous and systematic recording of observations creates a developmental history of each child’s progress. Twice a year, teachers compile a record of these observations, including photographs and written descriptions of their explorations. This is a wonderful way in which to celebrate and reflect on your child’s learning while at Koala House.