In order to complete enrollment, your child’s medical forms need to be completed and returned with the other enrollment forms.

An up-to-date health form, signed by a physician, must be on file the first day your child attends Koala House. This form must include all dates of immunizations required by government health regulations.


Symptoms such as a cold with fever, severe cough, skin eruptions, sore throat, fever of 100 degrees, discharge from the eyes or ears, vomiting or diarrhea, will necessitate our sending your child home. Parents must have the sick child picked up within an hour of notification. A sick child who is sent home may return to school 24 hours after he is free of all symptoms. A doctor’s slip may be required if there is a question regarding the child’s health. Parents will be notified when a child has been exposed to a communicable disease within the school. Parents should likewise notify the school when your child has been exposed to a disease outside Koala House.

When your child is absent due to sickness, please contact the school’s office first thing in the morning in order to keep us informed.


 The staff will administer medication only under the following conditions and at the request of parent or guardian:

•  The medication is furnished by the parent or guardian in the original container.

•  Authorization for Medication form has been filled out completely.

•  Under no circumstances does Koala House Administer antibiotics to children.

It is the parent’s responsibility to inform the staff of any known allergies.

Medical Emergencies

In case of an accident that requires medical attention Koala House will take your child to the following location:

Children at our Phan Ke Binh location will be taken to: Family Medical Practice, A1 Van Phuc, Kim Ma Street. Phone # 04.37723060

Children at our Ba Trieu locations will be taken to: The French Hospital, 1 Phuong Mai Street, Dong Da. Phone # 04. 39747681

Children at our Do Quang location will be taken to: Vietnamese French Clinic, 24T Trung Hoa Nhan Chinh. 04.62811296

We will take your child to one of the above locations either in our school van or in a taxi. As the parent, you will be required to pay the costs of all medical bills.